Annual Dream Day Celebration

Posted On January 4, 2021
Dream Day 2021 - Extraco Banks

 For the third year in a row, Extraco Banks distributed nearly $8,000 to customers, including five Central Texas teachers, who have been impacted by the COVID19 pandemic on National Make Your Dream Come True Day, January 13th. This is the third year Extraco Banks has celebrated this national day.


“We are entering 2021 in unprecedented times, and we understand our bank family has been affected many different ways. Core to our mission, we put Family First and look forward to continuing to support our Extraco family for years to come,” said Doug Streater, President and CEO of Extraco Banks. “We are always there to support our customers. We strive to provide an exceptional customer experience, and are proud to celebrate Dream Day as another way to let our customers know how much we value them as part of our Extraco family.” 

Extraco Banks is in its third generation of family management with 15 branch locations across a six-county region. Extraco remains steadfast to upholding its family values and recognizing customers needs during challenging times. Extraco’s Harker Heights branch location nominated a customer whose photography business was tremendously impacted by the pandemic. Heights Studio, owned by James Cobb, was surprised with a $500 check to help with business expenses. A majority of Heights Studio business is school-based such as taking pictures for local ISDs athletic programs and events. 

Harker Heights - 2021 Dream Day - Extraco Banks
Harker Heights2 - 2021 Dream Day - Extraco Banks
Harker Heights3 - 2021 Dream Day - Extraco Banks


“You have no idea how much this means to me,” said Cobbs. “I’ve been a customer with Extraco since the 80s and have always felt like family.”

Throughout Dream Day, nominated customers drove through the drive-thru lanes at Extraco’s branch locations and were surprised with their dreams coming true. Extraco Banks is committed to building people, businesses and communities with creative and innovative excellence. Dream Day and similar events are part of the overarching Let’s Build Some Dreams campaign of Extraco Banks.